Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of Bali, Argyasanti Resort is an oasis of tranquility, exuding elegance and opulence at every turn. As you step into this haven, you’ll be greeted by warm smiles and the allure of traditional Balinese architecture seamlessly blended with modern amenities. The resort’s commitment to preserving the local heritage while offering top-notch luxury is evident in every aspect of your stay.
Laki-laki / perempuan.
Usia maksimal 28 tahun.
Lulusan D3-S1.
Jujur, disiplin, pekerja keras dan cekatan.
Dapat bekerja dengan microsofts office.
How to apply
For job applications, please submit your updated curriculum vitae (CV) and any relevant documents to the following email address: