Atlas Kitchen & Coffee - job vacancies

Published: 18 Oktober 2021
Atlas Kitchen - job vacanciesApply for the job now!

HHRMA Kuta - Atlas Kitchen & Coffee which is located on Jalan Petitenget, Gg. Kecapi No.7, Kerobokan Kelod, is a popular restaurant offering upscale Asian and Malaysian dishes in a simple and comfortable atmosphere.

Looking for:

  1. Cook helper
  2. Steward


  • Minimum 20 tahun
  • Pria/wanita
  • Bisa bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Bertanggung jawab
  • Independen, jujur, rajin


How to apply

Kirim CV + FOTO ke email

[email protected]

Application form

Please submit your application letter and resume (CV) using the form below. Ensure all fields are filled with accurate and complete information.

    Please upload your CV and supporting documents in pdf, txt, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, or zip format. You can also download a CV template here

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