Content creator jobs 2024

A content creator is responsible for producing engaging and relevant content for various platforms, such as websites, social media, blogs, and marketing materials. Duties include researching topics, writing articles, creating videos or graphics, and optimizing content for SEO. They also analyze content performance and adjust strategies to increase engagement and reach. The goal of a content creator is to attract and retain an audience, drive traffic, and support the overall marketing and communication goals of the organization.

MISANTO Coffee Eatery Meetings

Content creator


  • Wanita, usia 18 - 26th
  • Minimal SMA/SMK, D1, D2
  • Memiliki skill editing video & foto
  • Kreatif & berpenampilan menarik
  • Mengetahui trend social media
  • Bisa bekerja mandiri maupun tim
Deadline: September 8, 2024
Check details
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