Deadline: April 1, 2025
Honeymoon UbudApply for the job now
Honeymoon Guest House is a charming Bali-chic oasis that offers an authentic Balinese experience with a touch of elegance and tranquility. For a unique, first-hand opportunity of the culture, guests are welcome to join in-house ceremonies and special cultural events. During the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival you might brush shoulders with an award-winning author staying on the property.


  • Bersedia ditempatkan di gianyar, ubud.
  • Bisa bergabung secepatnya.
  • Berpengalaman di bidangnya.
  • English is a must.
  • Well groomed and well attitude.

Placement honeymoon ubud

How to apply

For job applications, please submit your updated curriculum vitae (CV) and any relevant documents to the following email address:

Application form

Silakan lengkapi formulir di bawah ini dan unggah Curriculum Vitae (CV) Anda. Pastikan semua kolom diisi dengan benar dan lengkap.

    Silakan upload CV dan dokumen pendukung dalam format pdf, txt, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, atau zip. Anda juga dapat mendownload template CV di sini

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