Kumpul Kumpul Villa offers a peaceful haven designed for your ultimate relaxation. Surrounded by lush landscapes, our villas provide a perfect setting for unwinding and enjoying quality time with loved ones. With comfortable accommodations and modern amenities, we invite you to experience a memorable stay that rejuvenates your spirit.
3 years of experience in preparing and cooking for breakfast in villas / small restaurants as chef or cook.
(3 tahun pengalaman memasak breakfast di villa atau restoran kecil sebagai koki) indonesian national, currently residing in bali. (WNI, berdomisili di bali).
Prepare breakfast for guests accordingly. (western menu, indonesian menu, healthy menu) (Siapkan breakfast tamu sesuai order (menu western, menu indonesia, menu sehat).
Serve breakfast to villa according to the requested time. (Antar sarapan ke villa sesuai jam yg di minta tamu).
Clean dishes and cooking utensils after breakfast. (Membersihkan piring dan alat 2 masak sesudah jam breakfast)
Clean kitchen before closing. (Membersihkan dapur sebelum pulang)
Replenish stocks, supplies on daily basis. (Mengisi stocks, supplies setiap harinya)